

Comment, Compliment or Complaint?

DaDa-Disability and Deaf Arts has a system in place for dealing with comments, compliments and complaints about the services we provide.

We welcome your views, comments and suggestions about how we can work more effectively to support all people involved in our work.

If you would like to make a comment, compliment or complaint, you can:

* pick up and fill in a form from the office (details below)

* fill in the online Comment, Compliment or Complaints at the bottom of this page

* write to us at: DaDa-Disability and Deaf Arts, The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX

* Telephone on 0151 707 1733

* Fax: 0151 708 9355

* Minicom: 0151 706 0365

What Happens Next?

* If you have sent us your comments - we will use what you say to help us improve what we do.

* If you have sent us a compliment - we will pass it on to the people concerned

* If you have sent us a complaint - we will do our best to resolve your complaint about DaDa Disability and Deaf Arts services to your satisfaction.

Find out more about how we deal with complaints.

We will do our best to resolve your complaints about DaDa-Disability & Deaf Arts to your satisfaction. We aim to be open and responsive to whatever your compliant.

Therefore we will:

* Deal with your complaint within two weeks.

* Carry out a full and fair investigation within a further month if things are not resolved.

* Arrange for an independent representative to review your case within a further month if you remain unhappy.

We will keep you informed if our investigation needs to take longer or if it needs to be handled differently. If you are unhappy with the way DaDa-Disability and Deaf Arts has dealt with a complaint, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

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